Having grown up as a pastor’s son in a fundamental Bible church, I have had a unique opportunity to become very familiar with the doctrines of the Bible. Aeryn and I continue to look into the Scriptures to see what we can learn. We have found some very interesting facts that deserve more study, and are slowly in the process of exploring some of them.
I identify most closely with a certain kind of conservative, non-denominational Bible church. There are things that I think are lacking in every church as I describe below, but some of the big issues for me seem to rarely be captured in other types of churches.
When it comes to Scripture, I am a contextual literalist, and I use the King James because of the underlying original texts that it was translated from and the method that was used in the translation. I also study from the TBS Catalan Bible, as it was translated from the same (not exact editions) texts using similar methods.
What I Believe
The 5 Solas.
The meaning of τέλειον in I Co 13:10 is the completion of canon.
The Textus Receptus is the preserved text of new testament Scripture upon which I base my theology regarding the New Testament.
The Ben Chayyim Masoretic text is the preserved text of the Old Testament Scripture upon which I base my theology regarding the Old Testament.
God did predestinate those he foreknew would choose in free will to accept His payment of the sins of every human, and receive His Holy Spirit.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth in 6 literal 24 hour days, approximately ± 6,000 years ago.
The words of Scripture are valuable for every aspect of life. They can give a person hope, peace, understanding, comfort, and encouragement. They are words that can be understood by anyone if only we take the time to look.
When I look into the Scriptures I find something somewhat disappointing… these words have been with us, and have been available to the interested individual for the past 2000 years, yet there is something completely missing within our Bible circles today.
Where is the accurate timeline of biblical history? Where is the note for note transliteration of the music of the Psalms? Where are the beautiful graphics showing the connection of the prophecies and their fulfillment or the connection of the minor prophets together? Make no mistake, these things should all be possible. We now have an even more powerful way to decipher these intricate details: we have computers.
I find it a shame the number of Bible study tools that have yet to be written. If only others saw the need as I do and could take up the task of developing tools across all languages and cultures, to provide pastors and teachers with the resources they desperately need in order to quickly and accurately understand even the most difficult parts of the Bible.

Possibly the single most important study to have completed in approaching Scripture is a solid chronology of events, especially in the old testament. Aeryn and I have discovered some particularly insightful information, and as a result are in a potentially unique position to develop a complete chronology of the old testament.
I believe the book of Proverbs in the Bible is very often misinterpreted. Solomon captured his wisdom by painting a panorama of life, using individual proverbs as his paint and color. I have spent more than 8 years of study on the book and have begun to unlock the mysteries it has held for millennia.
Aeryn has taken an interest in genetics, and has uncovered interesting and undeniable facts within that field that prove evolution to be completely unviable. I have an interest in geology, which reveals similar discrepancies.